Wednesday, August 12, 2009

They`re the English teachers!!?? マジ?

Aug. 12 Wednesday

Today I finally get the chance to go to the middle school and talk to the English teacher and tour the school. I got lost twice trying to get there on my bike, almost crashed into a pole, and fell off my bike was disasterous. lol This is what happens when you don`t ride bikes after 5 years of having a car...>.<
I finally found it. And yay! Sakurai-san was there. He`s my favorite old man. He`s so genki and fun to be around and he compliments me all the time. =P haha. He keeps telling me I`m cute and when he took me on a tour of the school he keeps saying I`ve never been here with a girl before. Like when we went up to the rooftop. lol He was so cute and hilarious. And then he showed me the hedges he trimmed. I loved them! One was a fat bird, the other Darth Vader....LOL I laughed so much when I saw them. And then I met with the hot middle school english teacher. Too bad he`s married, expecting a child, and is 32 years old. I do like older men, but he seriously only looked 20 something. And was attractive...he also really liked talking to me in English. Awesome dude. Anyways, they kept giving me food. At this point,I`m gonna become fat......I can‘t escape the food here.

THen I came back to the BOE to do a formal introduction to the heads of the BOE. I have yet to meet the top dogs except for the chairman. But there`s some dude that was above the chairman who`s the actual head of the BOE. I totally didn`t know that. I thought my BOE was just the people I work with in this office and the schools. I was super nervous meeting them even though their position isn`t as high as the mayor. The mayor seemed like a nicer old man than those in the BOE. It was a big important meeting they were having and they interrupted it for me to do my self-intro. Nerve-wracking! But I swear, I walked in there and I saw the younger member of the BOE meeting eye me. And it was not a comfortable eyeing either. >.< I was like, "omg, just don`t look at him." And then afterwards I had the bad luck of running into the infamous town player. Bad. Well, actually it wasn`t really that bad, I just feel really weary around him. I mean, I`m not really good looking enough for him to really hit on me, but I heard he hits on anything with two legs and a vagina, so I just have to be really careful when he`s near me. I was actually walking by the bathroom to the entryway and he came out and saw me pass by and called to me. I was like, shit. I put on my happy face and pretended innocence. lol He was asking me if I would be going to the local festival and if I was playing Taiko because he`s in it too. He told me if I needed it he could help me with the beats. I haven`t even started going to the practices yet so i was like, I can`t do any of the performances it`s okay, but thank you. He told me he would come back and talk to me on friday about taking me to the festival....Ermmmmm. I`ll just go with Su, thank you. Went back home and watched Goong for a long time. lol Hooked on the series.

Aug. 13 Thursday

Yay for the little elementary school! Well, actually it was larger than I thought it was going to be ANyways I also met the 5th and 6th grade English teachers. They were so freaking young looking! And they actually were pretty young. Only 26-28 years old. Actually the teachers here are all really young because they switch teachers to different districts every 3 years and bring in new young ones at the same time. The two teachers I met were male. The 3rd and 4th grade class will be female. So they were super nice and hilarious as well. Not bad looking to boot. Too bad the best one had a child and wife lol We took a tour of the school and discussed lesson plans and what I will be doing when I come back from Sapporo Orienation which will be the 20th.

Then I went over to the high school at 1pm after eating someone Asian style chicken nuggets. lol And I got the best surprise ever! So I heard that the English teacher here, Nakamura-sensei, was around the same age as me. So I was looking forward to meeting him and hoping he was somewhat easy on the eyes. And when I walked in I was like "WHAAAA!!!???" And my mind went blank for a sec. This man was seriously handsome and cool (even though he was in a track suit)! >O< My gawd, his eyes were beautiful and he had a stunning body. His English was also pretty good even though he`s actually the Japanese language teacher there. lol Perfect chance for me to better my Japanese ability. >D He at first seemed really softspoken but the more I talked to him the more he became comfortable. We talked about our interests and stuff. And guess what!?? HE LiKES VISUAL KEI MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^ And of course American heavy metal like Slipknot and..Linkin I was like "...are, are you seriuous? You like those kinds of music?" I was in complete utter awesome shock that such a man was going to be my partner for teaching. I told him I liked Girugamesh and music like Dir en Grey and he was like "oh yeah, I listen to them alot" Damn! OMG, what is this? And he`s only 23! 23! Perfect! Well, 24-26 was my aim, but hey, I can settle. lol I was expecting like either an average looking guy or some nerdy dorky man (no offense at all, I find these guys super nice ^~^)and was hoping for just that. But this?!!! Really.....what is going on here. I come to a little town where their main thing is agriculture and picture books and the teachers I work with are mainly all good looking males? Am I dreaming?!! Especially with this one! Wow...maybe it`s just my bad luck. I always seem to be hanging with really great guys, but can never actually be with them. So maybe that will be the same with this Nakamura-sensei. OR there`s a slight chance that I might be able to save myself. =P

Honestly, I love my single life and quite like staying single. But, you know, I would like to give things a try. lol At my desk there were already a lot of wrapped okashi/snacks on my desk as little omiyage from the principal. They`re the maple spongecakes from Hiroshima. Yay! They`re really good. Anyways, as I was sitting there getting all hanky panky with the teacher a couple of the male students walked in and saw me. They stopped for a sec and asked the teacher sitting closest to the door (whom I don`t know because she didn`t introduce herself) if I was the new ALT and if they can come and greet me. She was like "Yes she is, but it`s not time for you to greet her so get out" but in a playful manner. I looked up because I heard them say those things and decided to give them a smile and say hello. The guys were taken aback abit, but waved to me and bowed and said hello back. lol They were cute, but I would like to see the hotter boys in their uniforms. haha. I`m such a bad person. I feel like I might become a cougar. lol

Oh! Speaking of hot guys in uniforms, I went to DoCoMo the other day to talk about cell phone stuff and when I walked in some amazing, tall in some kind of uniform guy was there getting his cell also. I blanked for a little bit. Actually, you know, I`m not sure that seeing so many good looking guys is going to be so healthy for my brain since I keep blanking out everytime I`m near one. It`s a problem of mine I think. I may act cool around them, but I`m really having a lot of trouble handling it all. I stiffen up and just act kinda dumb......>.< I swear, my brain might just stay completely blank one if I`m near that teacher for too long. lol Anyways, after an hour of talking to the teacher he asked for my number, which in turn I was sad to say that I still have yet to get one. But he was like once you get your phone please tell me and we`ll exchange numbers. Heheh, he was the first teacher to ask me that. I was secretly kinda happy that he asked me, even if it`s only for lesson planning purposes. But he also said I was young when I told him i was only 21....I`m not sure if that was a good thing. He`s only 23 though....sooo I`m not that young, am I?

I returned back to the BOE where I actually currently am typing this thing up and will be staying here until 4:30 today. It`s actually the first time I`ve stayed here so late. It feels a little weird. Anyways, I get here and some man brings in huge-ass bentos from the Sakura-oka lakeside hotel. The chairman bought one and then walked over to me and gave it to me! I was like "No, it`s okay! I`ll pay for it!" He just told me that it`s okay, just take it....I love my chairman!! I will give him lotsa gifts from wherever I go visit. ~~ I`m gonna get fat.....やばい。

Otsukare for reading! Luv ya all!

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