Thursday, October 22, 2009

English Competition posts are getting farther and farther in between. I just keep not having the time for it anymore. I feel terrible. And freakin facebook is not letting me post my pictures!!!! >.< I don`t know why though. Anyways, I really will try to post up pics soon as soon as I discover why freakin facebook won`t take it.

October 20th Tuesday

So today is going to be an awesomely fun day in my opinion. I get to be one of the judges for the English Speech and Performance Competition in Shibetsu. Willing junior high kids from all the schools in Shibetsu (there are about 4 of them I think), the one middle school in Wassamu, and my one middle school in Kenbuchi do speech recitations from the textbook and performances and are judged based on that. My kids and I have been practicing non-stop everyday after school from 3pm until 6pm sometimes 7 for this thing. So in the morning I dressed more formal than usual in my cool white long sleeve button up top and my vest and made sure my hair was perfect and sexy and then left for school. I got to school way earlier than I usually would because my 2nd year kids were practicing their script at 7:40am. Ugh, early, but it`s for my kids, so it`s okay. We gathered all the props and stuff and at about 8:40 we piled everything and everyone onto the little bus and headed off the the Shibetsu community center.

When we got there I saw a tall white dude with blond hair and was like "You must be an ALT" and he was like "Oh,yeah. I`m Jonathon, the Wassamu ALT" and we did our lil intros. At first he didn`t really talk much to me and I was like..hmm...he`s not much of a talker, but his kids seemed to like him. He`s from Australia. Then I saw another tall kinda burly white dude with a brown beard and figured "You must be the Shibetsu ALT, Collin right?" And he seemed to be the nicest fun-loving teddy bear teacher. I immediately took a liking to him. He really reminds me of Santa Claus. lol Nice man. He`s from Australia as well. Both of the ALT`s are from Sydney and they`re super super tall. I felt like a little kid standing next to them even in my heels. So, anyways, Jonathon just married a Japanese teacher last year and has been working as an ALT for 8 years. JET only allows you 5 years. And so he worked for JET for 3 years, went to a different city not on JET for 2 years, and then was rehired by the Shibetsu peoples on a private contract. That was amazing. I was like, Dude, I`d definitely like to do that. Anyways, all the other students from the other schools were surprised to see me as an ALT cuz I was Asian looking and it`s been a while since they saw a female ALT. haha. The, uh, young 2nd year boys from Minami-Shibetsu seem to have taken an interest in me from my interactions with them. haha. Minami-Shibetsu`s kids were all boys, and mine were all girls, so Collin told me that they should stay away from each other. lol Cute. And of course I had the best looking Japanese English teacher among all of them. Yes, Mr. Shibata! He really looked good in his suit. haha.

So in the competition there are 2 categories: recitation and performance, and they are seperated by grades. There was only 1 person in 1st grade recitation and that was my kid, and then there were 2 groups for the 1st year performance with 2 of my girls. Then about 5 groups for the 2nd year performances. My kids (5 of them) did Urashima Taro Returns and used paper puppets on sticks to narrate the story. It was cute! And then last were my 3rd graders with their coolest performance: Kojiroh. The script was originally written by them in Japanese and I translated the whole thing into ENglish. It was about 8 pages long but they memorized everything! I was super proud of them but I knew they could do it. They`re all smart children so I had faith. I mean, they would stick around everyday after school and practice all the lines with me in their classroom and act out the script and practice the intonations I taught them. By the third time I practiced with them I knew they were going to be able to do it. And they won Best Performance in the whole show!! ^O^ WAHAHAH! And I felt so prideful when the other Japanese Teachers of English and the other ALTs told me how impressed they were with my 3rd year kids and told me I taught them well. HAHAHA!! AWESOME!! eheh. Of course, I only helped a little, it was mainly my kids that did the most of the work.

After that we ate lunch and deliberated on the winner. 1st year speech was my child, 1st year performance went to Shibetsu, 2nd year performance went to Onnebetsu because they did the cutest "Three Little Pigs" story, 2nd year speech-i forgot who, but none of my kids, 3rd year speech went to Onnebetsu, and 3rd year performance were my girls who also won best in show. heheh. WOO!! Two awards! Oh, and at lunch there was a leftover bento and no one knew what to do with it, so Shibata-sensei was like "Well, here you go Theresa, your dinner for tonight." And lo and behold the problem was solved and I had free dinner. =P Thanks Mr. Shibata! We then went back to the competition hall and announced the winners. Then when we were about to leave and I said goodbye to Collin and followed Jonathon out to where his kids and my kids were, I shook Jonathon`s hand and said goodbye and his kids were all like "wooo". haha. Jonathon was like "No, no it`s nothing like that" I just ignored it and went to my kids. eheh.

The bus ride back home was so lively because of the happy atmosphere of all the kids. There was lots of singing and applauding and happiness. Haha. Good times.

October 21st Wednesday

Not much happened during school. After school for dinner I asked if Su wanted to go eat with me at Sawarabi, witch is a very short walk from our apts. She also invited Satomi along. Tomorrow`s Satomi`s b-day so I`m thinking of buying her two cake slices from the local bakery to give to her. She`s helped me with a lot of stuff so I really appreciate her. ANyways, we had Mushroom Nabe/hotpot, and pork kebabs. =P Delicious. And I`ve been watching Ninkyo Helper lately. It`s very good because it has Mukai Osamu in it. haha. I`m a sucker for anything this sexy man does. He`s my #1 ikemen right now.

October 23rd Thursday

So I first went to the high school today. I loathe teaching at the high school. It`s because of the 3rd year boys. Not my favorite kids. The girls are fine, but the boys....The 2nd year boys are awesome though. They`re so much fun and lively! And everytime they see me they love saying Hi to me and trying to remember my name. I like that. The girls in 2nd year don`t talk very much though. But the boys are good. They`re also pretty good looking haha. I can`t wait to teach them next year. oh, and everytime Mr. Gorgeous and I pass by them they would yell out things at him. I kept thinking they were just calling him Eichi or Eiji as his nickname but then later he told me that they call him Ecchi, which means hentai, which means erotic pervert. LOL The boys think it`s funny to call him that, especially when he`s walking around with me. I think it`s pretty funny too cuz I can kinda see it in him. haha. Then it was off to the elementary.

Today I did a presentatino on Halloween for my 6th grade kiddies and they really liked it. My 6th grade girls love me. They love talking to me and everything. I`m happy for that. They also really like my hair, every chance they get they`ll come and stroke my head because they think it feels nice. haha. And they`re used to me helping them clean now, so they`ll always ask me to help them wipe the floors now. The other teachers still haven`t gotten used to me doing these things with the students I suppose. =P Oh, so at lunch break I met Mr. Wonderful in the library. I was already in there with 4 of the girls and then he came in and I was like "Oh shit." He looked really good today. Oh, btw, the 1st, 2nd, and 5th graders had kids with influenza so they cancelled the classes for this week. They`re coming back on Friday though, which is a very good thing. But those teachers now have a lot of time on their hands. Anyways, he came in and then I was at a lost for what to do. He came to check on the books I think...or I don`t know what he came in for cuz he doesn`t usually come into the library. But he came in this time and I just stood around reading the books over the children`s shoulders and then asked them if they knew what Halloween was and then forgot to explain it to them. I must`ve looked so stupid to him. I don`t know, whenever he`s around I can never properly talk to him or ask him questions or be cool looking. haha. I just get all clumsy and awkward around him. I need to work on that.

So after school was over and everything I went to home to prep for the community badminton activity that started this tuesday and happens every tuesday and thursday from 7:30pm until 9pm at the B&G gym. So when I got there I was very surprised to see one of my good 1st year high school boys there as well. He was also surprised to see me. So he`s a resident of Kenbuchi. Now I know. I never know where all the students come from for the High school cuz they`re all from different cities and stuff. Anyways, I also saw some of my elementary boys playing pingpong there. They were very happy and surprised to see me. I was exhilirated to see them. They`re the cutest 3rd and 4th grade boys ever and I absolutely adore them. I don`t know, this job is making me constantly "moeeee" over them. I`m starting to really really love children. But then again, I think I really love country children, not the city ones just yet. haha.

Otsukare-sama for reading and I promise to get the pictures up and running as soon as possible.

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