April 13th Tuesday
Beginning of teaching my 3rd and 2nd years at the high school. The second year class was the same as they were last year, negative. lol Their attitudes about everything in every class is always so negative and I feel my enthusiasm being drained out by them...nevertheless, I tried my best with the kiddies and produced some okay results. The 3rd years however have become my new favorite class at the high school. They`re so enthusiastic about English and insist that everything be spoken in English in class. Amazing! Such great kids and I look forward to teaching them.
In the evening, I don`t know what was wrong with me, but I totally forgot that I had a welcome enkai for my new middle school teachers. I think it`s because of alot of things going on lately that my mind just hasn`t been focusing. And if I don`t have my schedule book organized or have things written down on them, I will most surely forget. I was wandering around the 100yen shop when I got a phone call from one of the teachers to ask if I was still coming to the enkai. And I was like, "Oh, shit!" And immediately left to go. I was an hour and a half late to it....Yeah. When I got there I apologized profusely and sat in the only open seat which was next to the principal at the boy`s end of the table. It was a little awkward at first because I`m not much of a fan of the new principal, but after a little bit, it became better. I still ended up having to pay for my meal even though I only ate a bowl of sukiyaki because I was full from already having eaten...Not smart of me. Ah well.
April 16th Friday
After school I left to get on the train to Kutchan. This weekend is the PEPY bike ride. All the money/donations received from the ride are used to build orphanages for children in Cambodia. So whatever amount of money we raise will all go to that which is something I`m quite proud to be a part of. Plus, I get to see Erika and Steph. Woo!
The train ride from my town to Kutchan takes about 5 hours with an hour break in between. I met up with my friends in Sapporo and we all took the train together to Kutchan. It was so much fun being able to talk and see them again. ^^ When we got to Kutchan train station, the guy whose apt we were staying at came to pick us up. He was from London! Cool guy and it was very nice of him to let us stay at his place. His place was quaint and not bad except a little dirty with many kinds of bugs crawling around. The three of us girls slept in one of the extra tatami rooms he had.
April 17th Saturday
This morning we woke up and got ready for the bike ride. The ride starts off in Niseko area (which is a popular ski resort area and has many many Australians), goes down to Kutchan, and ends with a BBQ near the agricultural high school. We were equipped with some really nice rental bikes, a helmet and a water bottle. And let me tell ya, the helmet is far from making a fashion statement. It just looks terrible on me. lol And I have really bad experiences with helmet hair and this was an example of that. Anyways, the ride up was hot because of all the slopes we went up, but we stopped off at Weiss Hotel at the top of the mountain area and had some coffee. The employee at the the front desk was really quite cute, but looked a little too young for us. Like fresh out of high school. =P The scenery was beautiful during the ride, though! It was refreshing and a wonderful feeling.
The ride down was freezing! There was still snow everywhere and it was quite cold because of the wind. My ears felt like they were going to fall off, but I made it to the high school area okay. We had a delicious burger BBQ for lunch with other ALTs from around the area who came and then went back to our friend`s apt to chill until the play put on by HAJET to raise money for HEC started. My butt, particularly my crotch area, was sore. Very sore. THe other girls were having the same problem. I mean these bike seats were ridiculous narrow and the tip of the seat area was long and thin. Not comfortable. We got back to the apt and I had to carefully sit down because if I sat down too fast too hard, pain would shoot up through my body.
We then got changed and went to the play. There were so many half children there! It amazed me because I`m so used to always seeing plain Japanese people in my area that seeing so much hybrid kids was shocking. haha. But then again, we are in Niseko. So, afterwards we went to go eat at a superbly good pizza parlor. It was delicious! And they had real cheesecake!!! When that was over we went to a party in a rented lodge for someone`s birthday whom we didn`t really know. But we were invited, so we went. However, a couple of the girls we were with fell asleep and so we decided to head on back to the apt for night of well deserved rest.
April 18 Sunday
Woke up, bid goodbye to the guy who let us stay at his place and left on our train. I parted with steph and erika in Sapporo and came back home. Ah, it feels great to be back home. =)
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